Embudo means "funnel" in Spanish, but if I didn't know any better I would have to guess that it means "kick ass kayaking run" instead. With our eyes on the guage multiple times a day after getting word that flows and temps were on the rise, the full crew decided to rally down to Pilar, New Mexico for one of the best creek runs in we the four corner states...if not the country.
We all arrived late Friday night, the first time that we had all been on the same river together since last October, and come Saturday morning I would say that we all felt like little kids on Christmas morning. We were ready to commence the gift opening. After a full on breakfast, essential to peak performance, we headed up to the put in. The weather was fairly warm around mid-day, but it had been pretty chilly the night before and we were curious to see what the flow was at. We geared up and headed down the short hike to find that the flow looked pretty similar to our runs last year at 3.15 feet. A good level and what I would consider a minimum for a decently padded out run. Much lower and it becomes a freakin' mank fest, suitable for Captain Mank himself, Joe Keck, but aggravating for most.
After a short paddle in you come to Long Rapid, which is well.....long. It's starts off mellow like Lynard Skynard's "Freebird" and continues to escalate in difficulty until you hit the end of the rapid, the guitar solo, and rockout on the final drops when at last you come around a car sized boulder and see all of your buddies grinning from ear to ear.
The middle of the run ensues with quality whitewater, sweet boofs, and awesome laterals to carry you down if your timing is good enough to stay on top.
The rest of the run to the take out is great paddling as well, and even better while anticipating the taste of a cool brewski upon arrival at the shuttle vehicle!
(Please note that the take out access is a very sensitive issue on this run and we want to continue to be able to paddle the Embudo. Post on Mountainbuzz first if you're unsure about the correct takeout)
CMo lining up the crosshairs....
The author boofing into Cheesegrater...
Justin gettin' jiggy wit it....
Double T on line and on time!
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